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June 27, 2016
Yes, the Doctor, Rose and Captain Jack are once again entangled with the Slitheen – or, to be more precise,
June 22, 2016
Titan Comics are excited to announce that following the fantastic sell-out response to the Vikings: Godhead mini-series, Vikings is returning for an all-new story! Superstar
June 10, 2016
The drama continues for Ragnar, Lagertha, Rollo and Loki as they find themselves caught up in a mess of betrayals,
June 3, 2016
The North Wind (the super-spy animal organization) have gone missing and it’s up to the Penguins to find them. But
June 2, 2016
Titan Comics has announced that both Vikings #1 and Dark Souls #2 have sold at and will be getting a
May 20, 2016
The ongoing adventures of the Doctor, Rose and Captain Jack continue, as Part 2 of ‘DOCTORMANIA’ confronts the three with
May 5, 2016
The North Wind (the super-spy animal organization) have gone missing and it’s up to the Penguins to find them. But
April 29, 2016
Jump on board the TARDIS with FOUR all-new short tales of the Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors! Whether you’re
Vikings #1 Cover
April 27, 2016
Ragnar and the Vikings are back in England dealing with King Ecbert in order to secure a treaty. Meanwhile, Aslaug
April 22, 2016
From the chronicles of the History Channel’s truly epic series, Vikings, comes a new saga of glory and plunder! Ragnar,