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October 22, 2021
Superman: Son of Kal-El #7 gives Jonathan Kent something new to fight about - climate change - because "there's no…
October 20, 2021
Creator and pundit Ethan Van Sciver gives us his thoughts on why DC had Superman exchange 'The American Way' for…
October 19, 2021
Superman: Son of Kal-El colorist Gabe Eltaeb has announced that he will be exiting DC Comics in protest of “them…
October 18, 2021
DC Comics has officially announced that they will be dropping 'The American Way' from Superman's iconic motto.
October 15, 2021
DC Comics is rumored to be threatening any freelancer who partners with Comicsgate with a lifetime ban from working for…
October 14, 2021
Batman author James Tynion IV reveals what prompted an unknown DC EIC to give him a hug after the debut…
October 11, 2021
DC comic shipments have been and will be delayed due to alleged paper shortages, printer debacles, and continuing supply chain…
October 9, 2021
The Batman Webtoon series Wayne Family Adventures is being reinterpreted for a live-action YouTube show produced by Ismahawk.
September 30, 2021
Scarecrow has turned Gotham City into a Fear State in the eponymous crossover currently leading the Batman books through October.
September 28, 2021
Chuck Dixon has dropped a shocking truth bomb regarding DC Comics and their payment practices for royalties owed from translated…