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January 28, 2022
Matt Reeves called Ben Affleck iteration of The Batman script "valid" when he pitched Warner Bros. on how he would…
January 27, 2022
Our first shot of Brendan Fraser on the set of Batgirl comes in new leaked images but he doesn't resemble…
January 23, 2022
Fans on Twitter are calling for a boycott of Warner Bros. over all that's come out about Justice League while…
January 22, 2022
Grant Gustin might have been on the set of The Flash film last summer so it could very well be…
January 18, 2022
Joss Whedon digs his grave further in a new interview touching on the Justice League controversy which Ray Fisher gave…
January 17, 2022
An off-color joke about Batman and killing in the next episode of Peacemaker had DC apprehensive for some strange reason.
January 17, 2022
Leslie Grace reveals her Batgirl costume on social media while also quoting the Year One graphic novel by Chuck Dixon…
January 12, 2022
The HBO Max original movie Batgirl won't get away without nods to Robin and Black Canary in background art on…
January 10, 2022
Ben Affleck hints he cameos in The Flash to finish up playing Batman and move on from the horrors of…
January 7, 2022
Warner Bros. shows signs of being done with Henry Cavill but he isn't done with Superman or negotiations, says a…