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After the petryifying reveal at the end of last issue, the Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith pry further into the

A stunning new clue to Captain Jack Harkness’s missing memories and mysterious past is uncovered! The thrilling race is on

The shadowy puppetmasters behind the darkness at Ravenscaur are revealed, as the bodycount climbs and the shocking revelations add up!

Go back to the beginning with these archive Tenth Doctor adventures! In ‘Agent Provacateur’, the search for the perfect milkshake

The Doctor, Alice, Abslom Daak, the Squire and Very Special Guest Jailbreaker River Song are pulling a heist on the

DEATH MATCH Part 2! It’s the Doctor and Gabby versus Captain Jack, Cleo and Cindy, with the mysterious Mr. Ebonite

Victorian England. A mysterious woman commands a hidden army in a house of the blind. Scryclops stalk the streets…. and

It’s the final stop on the Eighth Doctor’s enigmatic to-do list: a Bakri Resurrection Barge, where the super-rich are ‘remade’