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Doctor Who: Eighth Doctor #2 Cover C
December 8, 2015
The Eighth Doctor and Josie Day start a universe-wide investigation! First stop – Lumin’s World, home to a raging war
Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor Miniseries #5 Cover
December 1, 2015
‘Weapons of Past Destruction’ concludes! • Did we really just read last issue’s staggering cliffhanger? Has one of the Doctor’s
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #2.3 Cover
December 1, 2015
Gabby’s best friend Cindy remained on Earth at the end of her last adventure with the Doctor – a decision
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #14 Cover
December 1, 2015
THE STARS GO OUT, ONE BY ONE! It’s the penultimate part of ‘The Hyperion War’, and things are looking bad
Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor #1 Bob Dylan Variant Cover
November 24, 2015
On the heels of Marvel releasing their Hip-Hop album variant covers, Titan Comics has unleashed three Doctor Who variant covers
October 27, 2015
Get ready for an all-new season of comics adventures featuring the Eighth Doctor, as played by Paul McGann in the…
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #2.1
October 10, 2015
On an idyllic world in the distant future humans live at peace with a unique organism. These natives, known as…