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Doctor Who
November 10, 2020
A new petition has been launched that calls for the BBC to fire Doctor Who showrunner Chris Chibnall and replace…
Doctor Who
November 6, 2020
A number of new rumors about the upcoming Doctor Who Series 13 have made their way on to the internet.
October 30, 2020
Doctor Who actress Jodie Whittaker's hair stylist Mathew Soobroy appears to have confirmed that Doctor Who Series 13 has begun…
Doctor Who
October 6, 2020
Acclaimed comic book writer Grant Morrison recently revealed he has a whole season of Doctor Who worked out.
October 1, 2020
A recent rumor claims that the next time Jodie Whittaker will appear as the Doctor in Doctor Who won't be…
September 22, 2020
Dr. Who actor Jodie Whitaker revealed that her parents took a gender neutral approach to raising her “before it was…
August 21, 2020
A new Doctor Who comic starring the Tenth and Thirteen Doctors has been announced.
August 5, 2020
Titan Comics revealed a first look at their upcoming Doctor Who Time Lord Victorious story. The story is written by
June 29, 2020
A new Doctor Who rumor details that current Doctor Who actor Jodie Whittaker and showrunner Chris Chibnall are out after…
April 27, 2020
BBC Studios announced a brand new Doctor Who Storyline titled “Time Lord Victorious.” This new storyline will take place during