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While the orbital crew and the remaining ground personnel reel from the discovery of the Aliens, Vampirella and Lars look…

James Bond #1 by Warren Ellis and Jason Masters reads like the beginning of any classic Bond movie. There is…

The Monks of Arus continue their training exercises in preparation for a time of war that will soon be upon…

Helium has been captured and Dejah Thoris imprisoned by an invading alien force known as the Kahori led by an…

Red Sonja and Conan's army lay defeated. However, the two heroes continue to fight on, infiltrating Kal'Ang's palace and fighting…

The Shadow comes face-to-face with The Sandman as he continues to follow leads in order to secure justice for Bess…

Newborn Aliens have hatched inside Vampirella and her exploration team leaving the majority of them dead. Vampirella and Lars, the…

Garth Ennis is back in a whacky comedy title called A Train Called Love. But since it’s Garth Ennis, you…

Red Sonja continues her defense of the Library and even uses some of the knowledge she gains from the books…