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The world is at peace and Voltron has remained dormant for over 200 years. Yet, a select group of monks…

When you crack open a crossover comic book about Ash and Vampirella, you know what to expect. You know what

Vampirella may have met her match as she ventures deep into the newly-discovered catacombs on Mars and finds Aliens! Will…

The Shadow continues his hunt for the Society of United Magicians as they seek ever more grave methods of obtaining…

Miss Fury & Lady Rawhide are drawn together through an interdimensional revolving door to combat Voodoo Childe and an unnamed,…

[easyazon_link identifier="1606906917" locale="US" tag="bounintocomi-20"]Army of Darkness: Ash in Space[/easyazon_link] is a fun Evil Dead adventure with a sci-fi twist. For…

As far as a crossover goes, writer Mark Rahner hits all the notes you would expect in the second issue…

Kal’ang, an evil mage, has betrayed his king, stolen a magical seed, and raised his own army. A prophecy speaks…