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September 5, 2019
The X-Men franchise is known for juggling large casts of characters. But every so often one steps into the splotlight…
Dazzler: X Song #1
March 19, 2018
Writer Magdalene Visaggio and artist Laura Braga will write a brand new Dazzler one-shot, Dazzler: X Song. Dazzler will take…
March 17, 2017
Hydra has come to play and they make their first move as the dominoes begin to fall and war erupts
March 4, 2017
The Inhumans’ throne is shattered after the events of “Inhumans vs.X-Men” and the Inhumans struggle to survive as the ResurrXion
March 2, 2017
After Inhumans vs. X-Men, the Children of the Atom must pick up the pieces and charge headlong into tomorrow! The
December 3, 2016
Marvel’s newest leading lady buzzes into her very first ongoing series in The Unstoppable Wasp. The new series comes from