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Writer Tom Taylor continues his tale starring Jean Grey's fight against hate in X-Men Red #7, but has the book…

Longtime X-Man, Gambit has had more than his fair share of adventures. Here are 10 deep-cuts about the Ragin' Cajun…

Kelly Thompson writes a love letter to her favorite X-Men couple in the form of a monthly ongoing starring Rogue…

These are the thirteen X-Men movies that 20th Century Fox is currently working on at various levels of development. Three…

Nightwing battles Gambit in a gritty street brawl after Gambit steals a Wayne Enterprises' briefcase in one of the earliest…

The Gambit movie's filming date has been confirmed and potential plot details for the upcoming Channing Tatum film have been…

Fox's upcoming film featuring the Ragin' Cajun, Remy Lebeau, may feature a big bad we weren't really expecting in Candra…

20th Century Fox announced the Gambit movie will hit theaters on Valentine's Day, February 14th, 2019. Save the date.

Pirates of the Caribbean director Gore Verbinski has been tapped to direct the upcoming Gambit movie starring Channing Tatum.