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March 9, 2021
Dealing in absolutes and embracing the Dark Side of the Force, The Guardian has labelled Star Wars fans as "Alt-Right…
February 8, 2021
The latest entry in Lucasfilm's Star Wars: The High Republic publishing initiative is Claudia Gray's Into The Dark novel, which…
January 25, 2021
Chuck Dixon has shared his thoughts on influential author and scholar Joseph Campbell and the effect of his "Hero's Journey"…
Darth Vader vs Luke Skywalker
January 13, 2021
A new rumor surrounding a planned Luke Skywalker series for Disney+ claims Lucasfilm will radically alter the struggle between the…
December 4, 2020
Details from the 1981 Revenge of the Jedi Story Conference where George Lucas outlined his original pitch for Anakin Skywalker…
George Lucas
December 1, 2020
Star Wars creator and film icon George Lucas recently revealed why really sold Lucasfilm in newly published interview released in…
November 10, 2020
A new interview from George Lucas sees the creator of Star Wars reveal his plans for a sequel trilogy that…
October 14, 2020
Star Wars author Pablo Hidalgo recently published Star Wars: Fascinating Facts, in which he claims that Luke Skywalker was supposed…
August 19, 2020
A new rumor details that Star Wars creator George Lucas is training new directors for The Mandalorian.
July 21, 2020
A new rumor indicates that George Lucas will replace Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy and launch a new era of Star