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Green Lantern director Martin Campbell regrets making the 2011 movie to the point he never wants to do another superhero…
A new insider report claims Warner Bros. is considering a theatrical relase for Batgirl and The Batman is the reason.
JJ Abrams is indeed race-swapping John Constantine for his HBO Max universe of Justice League Dark characters.
Two Sherlock Holmes streaming series are being developed for HBO Max in lieu of the long wait for the third…
An Aqualad series based on Jackson Hyde's origin is in the works from Charlize Theron and HBO Max and could…
The CW may finally cancel Batwoman after three troubled seasons as the show isn't mentioned in a renewal announcement.
Black Superman from JJ Abrams and Ta-Nehisi Coates is a sinking ship according to a source close to Mikey Sutton.
The Warner merger with Discovery won't lead to a restored Snyderverse just yet, but Warstu shows we're seeing steps in…
Harley Quinn is getting a spinoff starring the goofy Kite Man tending a bar like Ted Danson in Cheers, except…