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Fargo: Hell on Wheels (2023), Gizmoe Press
October 18, 2023
Illustrious comic book creator Howard Chaykin launched a crowdfunding campaign for a new graphic novel adaptation of John Benteen's Fargo:…
April 16, 2019
Mark Millar and Netflix announced their latest in-house series Space Bandits.Millar will write the script and he will collaborate with…
Hey Kids! Comics #1
Hey Kids! Comics #1
October 9, 2018
Hey Kids! Comics! #1 is a showcase of comics talent on fire. Chaykin’s art and story haven’t been this synergistic…
Divided States of America
February 24, 2018
CBR writer Kieran Shiach is up to his old ways. He wants DC Comics and Marvel Comics to fire artist…
June 8, 2017
In celebration of their 25th anniversary, Image Comics is rolling out 18 different variant covers for their July theme, "Images…
March 16, 2017
Howard Chaykin’s brand new series at Image Comics, The Divided States Of Hysteria will tell a dystopic tale about the
December 13, 2016
Like many fans I’ve always wonder what would happen if certain comic book characters were to somehow meet. For example,
June 16, 2016
We all have come to know the stories that came out of World War II. From the heroes who liberated
June 4, 2016
We continue with collecting one of our most popular and critically acclaimed series, Irredeemable, into oversized, deluxe hardcovers. This volume
March 29, 2016
Howard Chaykin will be launching a brand new noir-infused miniseries through Image Comics with full-color titled Midnight of the Soul.