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**Warning Spoilers for Flash #50 Below** Writer Joshua Williamson, artist Howard Porter, and colorist Hi-Fi have hit another home run

**Warning Spoilers for The Flash #49** DC Comics, writer Joshua Williamson, artist Howard Porter, and colorist Hi-Fi have hit a

Grant Morrison's return to DC Comics came with some massive changes to the DC Multiverse including the introduction of a…

Beware of spoilers to Dark Knights Rising: The Wild Hunt #1, ye who enter here Scott Snyder wants Grant Morrison to come

Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter, and Christian Duce introduced a brand new set of villains called the Renegades, based off the…

In The Flash Annual #1, writer Joshua Williamson and artists Howard Porter and Christian Duce reintroduce one of the Flash's…

The Flash #33 revealed some of the biggest secrets yet for Dark Nights: Metal. We break them down and map out…

The Flash #33 is about best serving its role as a tie-in to Dark Nights: Metal. In that it succeeds greatly. This…
After Geoff Johns’ epic, and I mean epic DC Universe: Rebirth #1 which revealed a potential collision of universes with
After Geoff Johns’ groundbreaking [easyazon_link identifier=”1401270727″ locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]DC Universe: Rebirth #1[/easyazon_link] that hinted at Alan Moore’s [easyazon_link identifier=”B0028R765A” locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Watchmen[/easyazon_link]