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Thirteen year old Tilly Lockey received a state-of-the-art set of bionic hands from James Cameron and the filmmakers of Alita:…
Alita: Battle Angel might be close to underrated cyberpunk, time will tell, but it has a lot that could impress…
20th Century Fox's upcoming Alita: Battle Angel film starring Rosa Salazar and Christoph Waltz released a new clip from the…

Paramount Pictures released the first picture of Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor for the upcoming Terminator film that is being

We just got our first look at Linda Hamilton's Sarah Connor for the upcoming Terminator 6 film which will be…

Originally, Alita: Battle Angel was set to be released this summer. Then it was pushed back to December. Normally moving

Terminator and Avatar director James Cameron hasn't had the coziest relationship with the superhero movie genre of late. He had some…

Wonder Woman star Gal Gadot finally breaks her silence on Terminator 2 director James Cameron's criticism or Patty Jenkins' Wonder…
Lynda Carter, who starred as Wonder Woman in the 1970s television show was not happy with James Cameron after his…
How do you ask your ex-wife, Linda Hamilton, to come back and work on a project with you? The answer…