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From the pages of classic war comic Battle comes the finest air-combat strip ever created in Britain! Johnny Redburn has
As Johnny and the Falcons attempt to clear their tracks and make good their escape, a rogue German fighter wing

Against orders, Johnny has set out to discover the whereabouts of his beloved Falcon Squadron – sent off on a

In search of his missing squadron, Johnny cruises the snowy wastes around Stalingrad in his trusty Hurricane. However, his fighter

Johnny Red is a leader without a squadron. His beloved Falcons have been taken away from him and sent away

Having been removed as leader of his beloved Russian fighter squadron, the Falcons, Johnny ‘Red’ Redburn is curious. What is

With the Battle of Stalingrad in full and savage swing, the Russians are throwing everything they have at the Nazis,

Garth Ennis has a new book out today from Titan, [easyazon_link identifier=”B017K4QF34″ locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Johnny Red #1[/easyazon_link], and we got to

November 4 sees the launch of the hotly anticipated Johnny Red series from legendary Preacher creator Garth Ennis and artist…