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August 9, 2019
Jonathan Hickman was bound to stir things up for the X-Men but who would have thought it'd center around Moira…
August 8, 2019
The X-Men have always had to contend with the Sentinels. If you're reading Powers of X, or House of X,…
August 5, 2019
With 6 ongoing X-Men team books on the way, is there enough panel time to go around? Here are 10…
August 2, 2019
I'm not going to lie to you. Nothing about Marvel Comics and Jonathan Hickman's Powers of X #1 is light.…
July 25, 2019
Jonathan Hickman's X-Men Summer mini-series House of X #1 presents us with a brand new world for our favorite mutants.…
July 23, 2019
Marvel announces new X-Men books at San Diego Comic-Con to follow Jonathan Hickman's House of X and Powers of X.
July 22, 2019
Marvel announces plans to launch at least 6 new X-Men titles following the conclusion of Summer event books, House of…
July 18, 2019
The 6th and final issue of X-Men summer event book House of X displays a possible future home for mutant…
July 5, 2019
Jonathan Hickman uses four legendary and groundbreaking stories to set up his Summer X-Men events House of X and Powers…
June 25, 2019
Marvel's upcoming X-Men writer Jonathan Hickman took to Twitter to describe X-Men continuity as "some nonsense."