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Joshua Williamson's Duke and Cobra Commander were made for grown-up Gen X’ers who were shaped by the G.I. Joe cartoons…

DC writer Joshua Williamson says that a major lesson he has learned in his time with the publisher is that…

The Transformers and G.I. Joe have a new comic book home at Skybound with the launch of a new Energon…

DC released a preview of the big event for 2022, Dark Crisis, the aftermath of the slaying and replacement of…

Hellblazer, a superhero John Constantine named after the Vertigo comic, has reappeared to help the Justice League Incarnate.
DC Comics announced a brand new Batman/Superman series. The series will be written by Joshua Williamson with art by David…

**Warning Spoilers for Flash #50 Below** Writer Joshua Williamson, artist Howard Porter, and colorist Hi-Fi have hit another home run

**Warning Spoilers for The Flash #49** DC Comics, writer Joshua Williamson, artist Howard Porter, and colorist Hi-Fi have hit a