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August 10, 2023
The Walt Disney Company continued to push immoral degeneracy on children by partnering with a man who dresses up as young girls in an attempt to sell Minnie Mouse merchandise.
December 6, 2022
The Walt Disney Company is not just talking the talk, but they are walking the walk as they attempt to radically remake the world in their Disney vision and reject the one, true God.
April 8, 2022
Another set of videos from Disney’s Reimagine Tomorrow conference call exposed just how rotten Disney’s core truly is as an employee reveals the company is actually using its benefits programs for “gender affirmation procedures” in order to assist employees and their children to “transition.”
March 30, 2022
During a virtual staff meeting among Disney employees and executives, executive producer Latoya Raveneau, and President of Disney General Entertainment Content Karey Burke, and others admitted to having a not-so-secret agenda to push gay and queer content in programs targeted to children.