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Superfan, director, writer, and comic book creator Kevin Smith weighed in on DC Films' reported decision to not move forward…

Kevin Smith who just recently had a life threatening heart attack is already back in action. He's back to hosting…

Kevin Smith spoke to The Ralph Report and dashed hopes of a quick and lasting recovery. Smith opened up about…

Kevin Smith and Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn defended Chris Pratt after the actor came under attack for…

Mega movie star Chris Pratt tweeted out he was praying for Kevin Smith, who recently suffered a near life-ending heart attack last…

Director, actor, and all around comic book fan Kevin Smith was hospitalized overnight following a massive heart attack.He appears to…

A BIG mistake In an episode of his podcast Fatman on Batman, Kevin Smith reveals that there was a scene with Darkseid in Justice League.
Following the release of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Kevin Smith took to Facebook Live to express his love for…
Much like his film career, Kevin Smith’s turn as comic scribe has produced a mixed bag in regards to quality
Last night, the CW had an hour-long special introducing audiences to the broad DC Extended Universe set to appear on-screen