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Does Godzilla have any epic rival kaiju that never made it to screen deep in Toho's backlog? The answer is…
Godzilla has fought many deadly and bizarre monsters but one may have them all beat in terms of threat level…
The least likely party, Toho, gave the failed and maligned Sony Godzilla an unofficial sequel in the form of a…
Godzilla vs. Kong didn't end up having a post-credit scene but one was pitched according to one of the film's…
Chinese promotional materials for Godzilla vs. Kong have revealed more about the film, including the watery location of one particular…
Images confirm what King Ghidorah and his severed head are for in Godzilla vs. Kong, confirming a popular theory.
Artist Garayann reveals epic new commissioned art featuring a showdown of kings as King Kong takes on famed Godzilla villain…
Long before X-Men's Days of Future Past and the MCU's Endgame, Toho tried their hand at a time travel reboot,…
Rodan and King Ghidorah, two legendary flying kaiju, almost took an astounding divergence with Michael Dougherty at the MonsterVerse helm.
Call him Warbat. Fear his osprey. The Titan formerly known as Nozuki has a new name and a figure in…