Leonardo Romero

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May 25, 2016
The line in the sand has been drawn. Will you side with Captain Marvel or Iron Man? If you knew
March 22, 2016
The lines are drawn and everyone must choose a side. Will they stand with Iron Man or with Captain Marvel?
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor: Year Two #4 Cover
January 4, 2016
It’s back to the deep, deep past and the dawn of humanity for the Doctor and Gabby, as their travels
Doctor Who Free Comic Book Day 2016 Cover
December 29, 2015
Titan Comics Free Comic Book Day offerings are Assassin’s Creed and Doctor Who! The silver offering will feature two new
The Tenth Doctor Vol. 3: The Fountains of Forever Cover
December 14, 2015
Returning to New York from her travels with the Doctor, Gabby has never felt more alive. But for the Doctor,