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Wonder Woman (Susan Eisenberg) uses her Lasso of Truth on The Flash (Scott Porter) in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League (2024), Rocksteady Studios
February 1, 2024
'Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League' sees notorious pro-human supervillain Lex Luthor become a fanboy for Wonder Woman and the…
Lex end credits Justice League
January 30, 2024
From one Lex Luthor to another, Jesse Eisenber urges Nicholas Hoult to not watch his performance in the DCEU.
November 21, 2023
Engineer of The Authority will appear in Superman: Legacy, played by Venezuelan export Maria Gabriela De Faria.
It's a job for Metropolis' two Men of Steel on Clay MMann, Brad Anderson, and Dan Jurgens' variant cover to Action Comics Vol. 1 #967 "Men of Steel, Part 1" (2017), DC Comics
November 21, 2023
Word on the street suggests James Gunn has settled on Nicholas Hoult as the next actor to portray Lex Luthor…
November 7, 2023
A freelance writer addresses the shrinking of the Superman & Lois writers' room after the CW Arrowverse is effectively killed.
September 20, 2023
A scoop solemnly swears we may see Lex Luthor run for President in Superman: Legacy which could feature a regional…
August 28, 2023
Chuck Dixon firmly believes Superman should never kill and he explains why beyond the fact the act is beneath him.
June 29, 2023
Bryan Cranston isn't thrilled by the idea people want him to play Lex Luthor pitted against Superman simply because he…
June 23, 2023
Director James Gunn denies he was subtly knocking Jesse Eisenberg for his quirky portrayal of Lex Luthor in a recent…
Superman Unbound
May 31, 2023
More than one source is touting that Brainiac will be part of Superman: Legacy. Could Nicholas Hoult win that role?