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Bagan in Godziban (2022) via Godzilla Channel YouTube
March 15, 2024
Does Godzilla have any epic rival kaiju that never made it to screen deep in Toho's backlog? The answer is…
Source: Godzilla (1998), Sony TriStar
February 2, 2022
The least likely party, Toho, gave the failed and maligned Sony Godzilla an unofficial sequel in the form of a…
September 4, 2020
Mothra makes it easier to believe King Caesar has a future in Legendary Pictures' MonsterVerse opposite Godzilla.
August 10, 2020
The last two items in NECA Toys' expansive Godzilla line are for sale and we have your best look at…
April 26, 2020
Michael Dougherty shared a 3D digital sculpt of Barb, the Queen MUTO, who surprised moviegoers with a cameo at the…