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Broly (Vic Mignogna) braces for impact from a Kamehameha in Dragon Ball Super: Broly (2018), Toei Animation via Blu-ray
December 13, 2022
Comedian Chrissie Mayr says that Vic Mignogna's recent 'crotch shot' on her podcast was nothing more than a genuine "boomer…
January 8, 2020
Prominent supporters of the #KickVic movement discussed how to prevent futurecon appearances by Vic Mignogna on The Violet Wanderers podcast.
January 30, 2019
On Tuesday night, Twitter troublemaker Renfamous challenged members of Comicsgate to an in-person debate, which was subsequently accepted by Ravage: Kill…
October 15, 2018
After Renfamous tries to paint Richard Meyer's as member of alt-right and target IndieGoGo, he fires back with hard facts.
September 24, 2018
Marvel Comics artist Mike Deodato Jr. doubled down on his recent comments targeting Comicsgate members.
Richard Meyer
September 22, 2018
YouTuber Diversity & Comics aka Richard Meyer aka Ya Boi Zack fulfilled his promise to donate the proceeds of his…
September 19, 2018
Twitter user and cosplayer Renfamous responds to Mike S. Miller getting kicked out of Grand Rapids Comic-Con.
Mike S. Miller
September 19, 2018
Grand Rapids Comic-Con announced that Mike S. Miller will no longer be attending their convention that is set to take…