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Can you solve the Riddler's Riddle? I sit in a corner while traveling all around the world. What am I?
Can you solve the Riddler's Riddle? Most people need it, Some ask for it, Some give it, But almost nobody…
Can you solve the Riddler's Riddle? You can drop me from the tallest building and I’ll be fine, But if…
Can you solve the Riddler's Riddle? The maker doesn't want me, The buyer doesn't use me, And the user doesn't…
Can you solve the Riddler’s Riddle? I cover what’s real; Hide what is true, But sometimes bring out the courage
Can you solve the Riddler’s Riddle? Two sisters are we, One is dark and one is fair. In twin towers
Can you solve the Riddler’s Riddle? I have a heart, but no other organs. What am I? The answer: Deck