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Western localizers have forced a reference to 'mansplaining' into both the manga and anime versions of 'The Dangers in My…

Both an official translator and a fan scanlator have shared with us their thoughts on the state of the English…

Seven Seas will be revising their English-language release of I Think I Turned My Childhood Friend Into A Girl to…

The United Seven Seas Workers Company Union (UW7S) has officially been recognized by their employer, Seven Seas Entertainment.

Seven Seas has promised that they are "looking into addressing the delicate language" used in their altering of Azusa Banjo's…

Seven Seas have turned a feminine male into a transgender woman in their English release of I Think I Turned…

Shueisha has continued to remain silent on their removal of two chapters of Ayakashi Triangle from their digital Shonen Jump…

Seven Seas Entertainment announced they obtained the license to print the Tokyo Revengers manga by Ken Wakui.

Seven Seas Entertainment announced they have acquired the license to Kamen Rider - The Classic Manga Collection by Shotaro Ishinomori.