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MADS is a French one-take horror film that blurs the line between a hallucinogenic nightmare and a terrifying reality.

V/H/S/ Beyond is the seventh installment of the found footage horror anthology phenomenon. The film is composed of six segments.

Written by Simon Barrett (Blair Witch, The Guest) and directed by E. L. Katz (Cheap Thrills), Azrael is set in…

In a Violent Nature isn’t always riveting, but it’s the slasher genre seen through a fresh pair of blood-soaked goggles.

Presenting a predictable story that lacks any memorable kills, It's a Wonderful Knife is no more than a forgettable holiday…

'Scare Package II' brings back some familiar faces whilst simultaneously taking its meta humor up to eleven.

Nocebo has some clever explanations for things and a handful of blink-and-you’ll-miss-it dark fantasy sequences, it is mostly a mediocre…