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Daniel Warren Johnson's Transformers series is a welcome breath of fresh air that got me hooked in the way only…

LEGO will be making new comic books as part of a deal with Skybound Entertainment and children's book publisher AMEET.

The [easyazon_link identifier=”B07FNXF5MF” locale=”US” tag=”boundingintocomics-20″]Stellar series[/easyazon_link] from Image Comics and Skybound Entertainment takes a dramatic, and jarring, left turn in issue

Stellar returns with issue #2 from Skybound Entertainment. I found the first issue to be a pleasant surprise as I

Outpost Zero #1 by Sean Kelley McKeever and Alexandre Tefenkgi doesn't do enough to sink its hooks into the reader,…

The Walking Dead Creator Robert Kirkman Sinks His Teeth Into Billion Dollar Summoners War Franchise!
Walking Dead creator Robert Kirkman's Skybound Entertainment and South Korean game developers Com2us are partnering up to create a new television show…
Robert Kirkman, creator of The Walking Dead and Invincible comics, signed a deal with Amazon studios to have his Skybound…
Italian artist Lorenzo De Felici makes his United States debut by taking on Image Comics and Skybound Entertainment's September variant…
Robert Kirkman and Paul Azaceta launch a brand-new arc in their ongoing horror series Outcast by Kirkman & Azaceta this