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Game of Thrones veteran Emilia Clarke looks to have a prominent role in the upcoming Solo: A Star Wars Story…

The Mother of…Who? Emilia Clarke is making a huge leap from fantasy to…space fantasy. As the star of Game of Thrones, Clarke

Take a look at four newly released character posters for Solo: A Star Wars Story featuring Alden Ehrenreich's Han Solo,…

Lucasfilm and Disney released the official Solo: A Star Wars Story teaser trailer after dropping a Super Bowl teaser confirming…

Solo: A Star Wars Story dropped their first footage from the upcoming Star Wars film during the Super Bowl between…

A new report indicates Solo: A Star Wars Story will release an ad during the Super Bowl. It's unclear whether…

Disney and Lucasfilm finally revealed the first plot synopsis for their upcoming Han Solo centric film, Solo: A Star Wars…

A new report indicates Ron Howard's Solo: A Star Wars Story will undergo new reshoots from the end of January…

Director Ron Howard revealed a brand new image that potentially teases Han Solo's first starship in the upcoming Solo: A…