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Blackfire and her costume in Titans season 3 are revealed in new concept art and a test photo featuring actress…

Film studios have made it a habit of race swapping red headed comic book characters and we are going to…

Artist Dylan R. Fagan redesigned DC Comics' newest character Mandy Koriand'r, the daughter of Starfire.

Anna Diop's Starfire will suit up in the next season of Titans with a new costume that looks like it…

Anna Diop has her hair did for the third season of Titans in which Starfire will blossom into a true…

Titans executive producer Greg Walker didn't go into great detail but said Starfire will have a hero's journey in Season…
DC Universe's flagship live-action show, Titans, revealed a number of new clips showcasing each of the Titans including one of…

A new photo of DC Universe's upcoming Titans show confirms that the costumes still look like hot garbage.

DC Universe, DC's upcoming streaming service has announced their official release date for their live action Titans series featuring Robin,…