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The first issue of DC's new Superman vs Lobo featured a storyline which mocked individuals who are anti-vaccination.

Injustice 3 could be a reality and so could Superman and Batman games long rumored to be in development if…

McG reveals that a very apropros fear of his resulted in his dismissal as director from J.J. Abrams' long-cancelled Superman…

Superman: Son of Kal-El # 2 by Tom Taylor introduces a character Jonathan Kent will become close friends with and…

A new rumor suggests DC Films wants to add Superboy to the list of solo outings and Super properties they…

Warner Bros. Home Entertainment and DC Comics announced they will release a fully remastered Blu-ray box set to celebrate the…

Superman & Lois' first season has presented a loose adaptation of The Death and Return of Superman in a way…

Though Jonathan Kent has taken up his father's mantle, it seems the new Superman won't be adopting a certain piece…

Henry Cavill allegedly met with Disney's people in London, but it doesn't sound like they sealed a deal for him…