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Tom Welling is not playing an alternate Superman, after all, in The Flash and, focused on his new series, doesn't…

The Flash and its dive into DC's multiverse may go deep, bringing back Tom Welling and realizing Nicolas Cage as…

According to a new rumor, Henry Cavill is back as Superman for three new movies and possible cameos, maybe even…

Artist Jerad S. Marantz shared his artwork for a Batman armor in an unrevealed but canceled DC video game that…

As Mark Waid rejoins DC for Dark Nights: Death Metal, fans have wondered if he'll end up getting his long…
The 1940s Adventures of Superman radio series will be re-enacted by an all-star cast at the upcoming Explore the Multiverse…
DC Comics writer and the creator of Batman villain Bane, Chuck Dixon, recently explained why he believes that current Superman…
Rocksteady, the video game developer behind the Batman: Arkham trilogy series, recently teased a game that will see the Suicide…
Deborah Snyder revealed a new deleted scene between Wonder Woman and Lois Lane in the Snyder Cut she's excited for…
The latest clip from Zack Snyder and his cut of Justice League shows off Superman wearing the black suit and…