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Superman actor Henry Cavill discussed when we will next see him as the Big Blue Boy Scout on the big…

It isn't a bird; it isn't a plane. It's Superman. You've dedicated most of your 80 years to helping a…

“Citizens of Metropolis, we are here today to thank the man that has done more than we can ever thank

While answering a fan's question on Vero, Zack Snyder hinted at the identity of the dead Robin as seen in…

Warner Bros. and DC are taking the iconic "Death of Superman" comic storyline and adapting it into two animated films.…

DC Comics brought together some of the best talent in comics to celebrate the 80th Birthday of Superman in their…

In Damage #3 by Robert Venditti, Tony S. Daniel, Danny Miki, and Tomeu Morey, Wonder Woman battles Damage for nearly…

In the pages of Justice League #41 by Christopher Priest, Philippe Briones, and Jeromy Cox see Superman make a very…