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Stranger Things actor Matthew Modine faces backlash after implying Kyle Rittenhouse went to Kenosha "with the intent to kill".

Matt Reeve's The Batman reportedly features a smaller budget than most of The Dark Knight's previous big screen adventures.

Tom Hardy shared the story of how he developed his voice for Bane while acknowledging the Latinx heritage when it's…

James Tynion IV reveals the reasons he took away some of Bruce Wayne's wealth and resources in his latest Batman…
Does Christopher Nolan allow chairs on set for his actors or doesn't he? There was some confusion after Anne Hathaway…

Bane's solo movie is dead before arrival but that may be due to Warner Bros. reserving him for a sequel…
Thomas du Crest posted a series of images to Instagram channeling the look and style of Nolan's Gotham City and…
A re-election campaign video for President Donald Trump was removed from Twitter after Warner Bros. stated they were pursuing legal…