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September 15, 2020
A new scoop claims it's up to Ben Affleck if he wants to play Batman on HBO Max after his…
September 13, 2020
Fans who have asked whether or not The Flash film would reboot Warner Bros.' DC Extended Universe have finally had…
September 10, 2020
A new rumor claims that Gal Gadot is currently meeting with Warner Bros to discuss a potential Wonder Woman cameo…
September 9, 2020
A new rumor suggests that Cyborg actor Ray Fisher has made demands for changes to the script for the upcoming…
August 28, 2020
He's The Joker to Barry Allen's Batman but Reverse-Flash is not going to be the villain in The Flash, says…
August 21, 2020
Michael Fassbender joins the long lists of names up for Reverse-Flash in The Flash and Hawkman in Black Adam
August 20, 2020
Ben Affleck will be returning as Batman alongside Michael Keaton's version of Batman for the upcoming The Flash film, which…
August 15, 2020
It isn't what fans want but Warner Bros. has no intention of firing Amber Heard and Ezra Miller according to…
August 11, 2020
Grant Morrison and Ezra Miller's script for The Flash written a year ago sent Barry Allen Back to the Future,…
July 23, 2020
The Flash, which is adapting Flashpoint, will skip the well-known and apocalyptic subplot of the Atlantis-Amazon war that destroys everything.