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After the release of Book of Death #1, Valiant has unveiled their first look inside Book of Death #2. On…

Everywhere they go disaster follows and the only way to find out what’s causing it is through the Book of…

Book of Death tells the story of the last Geomancer to protect the Earth. She has seen the future that…

In the ruins of his mansion, Colin King hunkers down as the last living member of Unity after the Third

Robert Venditti is going to be having a busy second half of the year. Not only is he headlining Valiant’s…

Last week, Valiant Entertainment unveiled a follow-up to their successful [easyazon_link identifier="1939346495" locale="US" tag="bounintocomi-20"]The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage[/easyazon_link] at the Valiant…

In Imperium #6 Toyo Harada has gathered a most fearsome group of beings and launched an attack on Rising Spirit’s…

Valiant Comics has just released a new trailer for their upcoming four issue series Book of Death. The book will…

Project Rising Spirit CEO Morris Kozol is taking security aboard the Leviathan to extreme measures in the hope of fending…