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Batman and the Animated Series adventures continue in a new miniseries by show producers Paul Dini and Alan Burnett, drawn…
Wonder Woman: Bloodlines is streaming now on the DC Universe service, should you check it out?
Warner Bros. Animation and DC Comics released their first official Batman: Hush trailer. A version of the trailer had previously
A new rumor indicates Warner Bros. Animation is working on a solo Deathstroke film.
After announcing the Batman vs Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles animated film in February, the first trailer has arrived. Check it…
Batman is crossing over again with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. This time the iconic heroes will be showcased in…
Warner Bros. Animation released their first official trailer for Justice League vs. The Fatal Five. Take a look.
Amid all the buzz, Batman Beyond could be in the works at Warner Bros., after all, but as an animated…
The animation style for Justice League vs. The Fatal Five harkens back to the days of Justice League Unlimited as…
A new report indicates DC Comics and Warner Bros. Animation will adapt Batman: The Long Halloween into an animated feature.