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Wizards of the Coast president Cynthia Williams has resigned after a two-year tenure marred with numerous 'Magic' and 'D&D' controversies.
Hasbro's fortunes continue to spiral as the 'Dungeons & Dragons' and 'Power Rangers' developer has announced another round of layoffs.
'Dungeons & Dragons' next release, The Deck of Many Things, is set to introduce the franchise's first canonically autistic character.
'Magic: The Gathering' lead designer Mark Rosewater has provided new insight into Wizards of the Coast mission to sanitize the…
Wizards of the Coast announced they are banning artists from using "AI art generation" when it comes to commissioned work…
Wizards of the Coast has reportedly decided to remove the term 'tribal' from their 'Magic: The Gathering' vocabulary.
Hasbro-owned Magic: The Gathering was blasted by social media users for race swapping Aragorn in their new The Lord of…
Wizards of the Coast reportedly hired the Pinkteron Detective Agency to retrieve an accidental leak of 'Magic: The Gathering' cards.
Dungeons & Dragons is currently looking to replace its "inherently racist" Half-species system with a more generic and uninspired mechanic.