Wonder Woman

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Patty Jenkins
December 15, 2017
The Golden Globes recently released its list of nominees for 2018. One notable absence has been the wildly successful Wonder Woman film. Fans
December 6, 2017
A leaked sript from Will Beall's planned Justice League has surfaced. Here's what his Justice League movie could have looked…
December 1, 2017
DC big blunder with Justice League has hurt their brand significant. Here's what they need to do to get back…
Justice League
November 17, 2017
Come together, RIGHT NOW Justice League. On this day, November 17th, the world is finally getting to see a live-action depiction
Gal Gadot
November 13, 2017
A new report indicates Wonder Woman's Gal Gadot made a bold move when she demanded she will only return to…
November 11, 2017
Early critic response to Justice League indicates the film is a whole lot of film and does a great job…
Wonder Woman
November 8, 2017
Wonder Woman needs your help finding the six differences in the the two images below. She needs your help or…
Wonder Woman cosplay
November 8, 2017
We scoured the internet for the best Wonder Woman cosplay out there and came down to our top 22. But…
Swamp Thing
November 6, 2017
Greg Capullo and Scott Snyder are avid Twitter users. They’re very approachable and responsive to fans. Which is one of
October 31, 2017
Now that Justice League is less than a month away, it's time to sift through the rumors to see just…