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'Young Justice' producer Greg Weisman believes that all of his work. in some way, shape, or form, has promoted 'woke'…

An Aqualad series based on Jackson Hyde's origin is in the works from Charlize Theron and HBO Max and could…

Young Justice doesn't have a fifth season as of yet but fans on Twitter and showrunner Greg Weisman hope to…

Superman appears to be avoiding his responsibilities to Lois and Jonathan in a recent episode of Young Justice.

DC Pride celebrations aren't over yet. In September, they'll be unveiling the limited series Aquaman: The Becoming with Aqualad.
The last episode of DC Universe’s Young Justice: Outsiders (“Quiet Conversations”) saw the reveal that one member of the team
The Mary Sue writer Katie Peter disparaged DC Universe's Young Justice series for its lack of LGBTQ+ relationships questioning, "What's…

Host Kevin Smith and DC Universe unveiled an exclusive new clip for the upcoming third season of [easyazon_link identifier=”B006PA0WF2″ locale=”US”

Young Justice is back in a brand new animated series Young Justice: Outsiders, which will debut on DC Comics’ streaming