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A new listing on Best Buy's website reveals Warner Bros. latest blockbuster Justice League will come to DVD and Blu-ray…

Fans and audiences have more than a few issues with Justice League. The most widely discussed problem is the film’s length.

After Justice League's disappointing box office numbers, Warner Bros. and DC Films will be making some big moves behind the…

According to a new interview with Justice League's Cinematographer Fabian Wagner, Superman's Black Suit does in fact exist.

DC Comics, Warner Bros., and Zack Snyder should have adapted Frank Miller's Dark Knight Returns instead of giving us Batman…

A BIG mistake In an episode of his podcast Fatman on Batman, Kevin Smith reveals that there was a scene with Darkseid in Justice League.

DC big blunder with Justice League has hurt their brand significant. Here's what they need to do to get back…

Beware of spoilers to Justice League, Ye who enter here Justice League left critics and fans wanting more. However, while many

Two new images of Joe Manganiello's Deathstroke popped up online sparking debate about the future of the character in the…