Heel vs Babyface Reviews Stargirl Episodes 9, 10, and 11

Az from YouTube channel HeelvsBabyface reviews DC Universe’s Stargirl Episodes 9, 10, and 11.

Az got a little behind in his Stargirl reviews and decided to catch up and recently dropped his reviews for Episode 9 “Brainwave,” Episode 10 “Brainwave Jr.” and Episode 11 “Shining Knight.”

He begins his review for Stargirl Episode 9 “Brainwave” explaining why he got behind, “I’m behind because ever since it was announced that Stargirl is just going to be on The CW for next season, I checked out. I mentally checked out completely of the show. Because The CW is trash, absolute unmitigated trash.”

He continued, “And I quite like this show. I think it’s doing more right things than wrong things. Yeah there is stuff which gets on my nerves or whatever. That’s in everything. But there is a lot of good writing. There’s some decent characters. There’s some great villains. The heroes are pretty enough. But like I said they are doing a lot right with this show. Next season it is going to be hot garbage with The CW in control of it. Just hot garbage.”

Watch the rest of Az’s review below.

For Stargirl Episode 10 “Brainwave Jr.,” Az began, “This week’s episode was very good. Very good indeed. Now, it wasn’t perfect. There were places where I was a bit ‘ooohhh.’  And I think there is a massive problem that was brought up in this episode which has me a little bit worried.

He continued, “For the most part, I thought the episode was really well done. It subverted your expectations in a correct manner. It set certain things up. It led you down certain pathways. And then it pulled the rug from under you.”


“I was actually very happy at the way that it did that. And I was very happy at the way the writers had weirdly enough written somebody who could have been a really good hero,” he added.

Watch the rest of Az’s Episode 10 “Brainwave Jr.” below.

Next, Az shared his Stargirl Episode 11 “Shining Knight” review.

He began, “This week’s episode was very good. It was very good again in a completely different way to Episode 10 which was very action packed, which was very sad, which had a nice little twist in it, which had some very good character development.”

He continued, “This week’s episode had some very good character development, but stepped away from the action, as it probably should have done after last week’s episode. Focused on the family unit, which I really did enjoy, indeed.”

“The aftermath of Henry’s death and the consequences of that and it just did it in a very…and also bringing in Barbara into the storyline in an organic way and also making her involved in an organic way. So it all kind of started to fit together as well as the villains being fantastic as they have been all season,” he stated.

Az then added, “The villains in this series have been the shining light. They truly have. They’ve held the show together.”

He then stated, “And that’s allowed Courtney to develop as a character after being very precocious and me calling her out on being precocious. She is now at her lowest ebb. She’s lost and she’s lost. And as we’ll see, she can’t even use the staff anymore, and it’s great because this is what a hero’s journey is truly about. And at the end of the episode we have some moment of hope.”

Watch the rest of his review below.

Stargirl Season 1 continues with Episode 12 “Stars & S.T.R.I.P.E. Part One.”

New episodes debut on The CW on Tuesdays at 8 PM ET and are available to stream every Wednesday on The CW. New episodes can also be streamed on Mondays on DC Universe. There will be 13 episodes in total.

The show stars Brec Bassinger as Courtney Whitmore aka Stargirl. She’s joined by Yvette Monreal as Yolanda Montez aka Wildcat, Anjelika Washington as Beth Chapel aka Doctor Mid-Nite, Cameron Gellman as Rick Tyler, Trae Romano as Mike Dugan, Luke Wilson as S.T.R.I.P.E., and Amy Smart as Barbara Whitmore.

What did you think of Stargirl Season 1 Episodes 9, 10, and 11?

John was the Editor-in-Chief at Bounding Into Comics. He is a massive Washington Capitals fan, lover of history, and ... More about John F. Trent
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