Patrick Stewart Reveals Time Period New Picard-Centric Star Trek Series Will Be Set In!

Star Trek veteran Patrick Stewart confirmed the time frame for the upcoming Picard-centric Star Trek show.

Stewart appeared on The Graham Norton Show where he declared the show will take place, “exactly nineteen years in the future, which was how time has passed since the last time I put on my spacesuit…for the television series.


While that statement might seem innocuous, Stewart specifically mentions “television series.” Stewart’s Picard last appeared in the 2002 feature film [easyazon_link identifier=”B000HZJ0CW” locale=”US” tag=”boundingintocomics-20″]Star Trek: Nemesis[/easyazon_link]. However, the character last appeared on the final episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation titled “All Good Things.” The episode aired in 1994.

The episode took place in the year 2370 in the prime universe. If the show is nineteen years after, then we will finally see a non-prequel show that should begin in the year 2089.

That’s a full decade after the events of Star Trek: Nemesis which happened in 2379. Not only that, this is a full dozen years after the effects of the Dominion War as seen on [easyazon_link identifier=”B01N47VPJG” locale=”US” tag=”boundingintocomics-20″]Star Trek: Deep Space Nine[/easyazon_link]. It’s also about two years after the destruction of Romulus in 2387 that kicked started the JJ-Verse trek in [easyazon_link identifier=”B01LT80TN4″ locale=”US” tag=”boundingintocomics-20″]Star Trek[/easyazon_link].

During the TCA Winter 2019 Press Tour, Executive Producer Alex Kurtzman spoke with about how they’re looking to design the future:

“Well, I’ll tell you the first thing we all said is it has to feel grounded. No matter what choices we’re making about portraying the future, it has to feel grounded, because I think one of the things people have loved so much about Next Gen is that it is a very emotional, thoughtful, grounded piece of entertainment. And the easy thing to do is come up with crazy floating skyscrapers, and all the cliches of science fiction, and we’ve tried to avoid that across the board. So, in the production design, in the look of it, in the feel of it, it’s always about the small intimate personal details that you can still connect to now even though it’s taking place so far in the future.”

In  January, we learned that Stewart’s character Jean-Luc Picard will in fact not be a captain in the new series.

Does the timeframe of the new series bring some hope that the franchise will thrive? Or are you still uneasy with how it might turn out, especially since Star Trek: Discovery seems to be hitting a never-ending stream of rough patches.

Let me know your thoughts below!

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