‘The Lord Of The Rings: The Rings Of Power’ Actress Admits Goal Of Series Is To Warp People’s Vision Of J.R.R. Tolkien’s ‘The Lord Of The Rings’

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power actress Cynthia Addai-Robinson, who plays Míriel in the show, recently revealed the first season of the show was created to warp the story for newcomers to Tolkien’s story.

During an appearance at the Monte-Carlo Television Festival in June, Variety reports Addai-Robinson stated, “Season 1 is really about an introduction. You’re setting the stage for aspects of the story that are maybe a little bit more familiar to audiences, because we do know a little bit more of these next few things that happen, that will be part of Season 2…”
She continued, “But there are a lot of people who have never read the books. They’ve never seen the movies. So that Season 1 setup really is, in my mind, it’s really for those people who are very new to Tolkien…”
“So, Season 2, you’re going to see a lot of storyline start to come through,” she concluded.

Addai-Robinson’s comments are quite common among cast members for the Prime Video series. Sophia Nomvete, who plays Princess Disa told PA Media last July, “We are redressing the balance within the film and television, television industry and of course, this franchise and I hope, lots of franchises moving forward.”
“These are the best people for the roles but what they’ve done is open up the doors for people of all backgrounds to come forward and have the opportunity to rise,” she posited.

She then boldly asserted, “To be part of creating accessibility for generations to come. For new generations this is their version of Tolkien, this is what my daughter will see of Tolkien’s works.”
“It’s their time and it’s so important and I hope many people will see this fantasy and be able to relate to it,” she continued. ” This is a reflection of the world we live in, there are many and we are different and we will embrace and discover, and peel back, and learn, and educate, and be educated.”
“And we can only do that when we embrace and love our differences,” she added.

YouTuber European Lore reacted to Addai-Robinson’s comments saying, “This is the scary part. … Imagine. Imagine the Rings of Power being the first encounter with ‘Tolkien’ for somebody.”
He then encouraged his viewers to not watch the series and even asked people to dissuade people from watching the series, “Now, I don’t feel sorry much for people. I have learned that it’s quite useless to feel sorry for people because nobody will feel sorry for you, but for those theoretical people who might encounter ‘Tolkien’ — because this is no Tolkien, you know, the Rings of Prime — for the first time watching this s**t. Please don’t.”
“Please, please if you know somebody who has never read Tolkien, who has never seen Peter Jackson films and they are contemplating watching Rings of Power, please just stop them. Please, give them The Lord of the Rings book. Please, please be the nice person, be the savior, good the deed, the universe will thank you,” he concluded.

What do you make of Addai-Robinson’s comments about how the show aims to warps people’s vision of Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings?
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