James Gunn Backpedals Previous Claim That ‘Peacemaker’ Season One Would Be Unrelated To DC Studios, Now Says ‘Suicide Squad’ Spin-Off “Is Canon With The Exception Of Justice League”

After previously claiming that the first season of his Suicide Squad spin-off series would not be canon to Warner Bros.’ second attempt at a cinematic superhero universe, James Gunn has now confirmed that, actually, the events of Peacemaker are fully canon to his upcoming DC Studios slate – that is, with the exception of one specific scene.

Ever since its announcement, the subject of Peacemaker‘s canon-status has long been the subject of confusion among fans, as though the series is helmed by Gunn himself, its first season not only released just a few months before he wiped the DCEU slate clean but also centered around narratives and characters which originated in the failed media universe, thus leaving the fate of the John Cena-portrayed hired gun up to question marks.
Though it would ultimately take roughly a year for Gunn to address the situation following his DC Studios reveal, when asked about whether or not “Season 2 of Peacemaker [would] take place in the new DCU/new continuity”, the filmmaker positively affirmed “Yes”.

However, given that he provided no information on Season One’s canonicity, the fan debates around the subject unsurprisingly continued to rage on.
So much so, that in March 2024, a pair of fans would see fit to bring the question to Gunn directly – and likely much to their surprise, the DC Studios would finally provide them with a concrete answer.
Asked on Threads if “Everything in Peacemaker takes place after Superman, including Season One?”, the director of the upcoming Big Blue solo film confirmed, “Season one isn’t canon, but no.”

RELATED: ‘Creature Commandos’ Characters To Appear In ‘Peacemaker’ Season Two And ‘Superman’
And while this answer was ultimately accepted without issue by fans, many of them understanding that such a shift makes sense given the show’s origin in the DCEU, it seems Gunn either misspoke or has since decided against throwing out the events Peacemaker‘s first season, as he has now reversed course and announced that actually, most of the Max series’ initial outing would be officially considered a part of DC Studios’ continuity.
Speaking with IGN’s Scott Collura on November 18th, after being asked by his host if he could provide any clarification to the topic, Gunn informed him, “The truth is almost all of Peacemaker is canon with the exception of [the] Justice League [scene]…which we will kind of deal with in the next season of Peacemaker.”

For those who haven’t yet caught Peacemaker‘s first season finale, after successfully putting a stop to the invasion of the alien ‘Butterflies’, the titular protagonist proceeds to escape from the aliens’ now-trashed secret base, as hidden underneath the Coverdale Ranch.
Upon emerging from the base carrying the lifeless body of his ally Emilia Harcourt, Peacemaker is met by the DCEU Justice League – Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and The Flash, the latter of two being the only ones to be actually portrayed by their respective actors Jason Momoa and Ezra Miller – who have gathered in response to the Butterflies’ threat.

But having already put an end to the aliens’ plot, rather than reacting to the super team’s arrival with relief, Peacemaker instead chastises “You’re late, you f–king dickhead!” before pushing past Aquaman and telling the Atlantean ruler to “Go f–k another fish, a–hole.”
“I’m so fu–king sick of that rumor,” Aquaman sighs in turn.
“It’s not a rumor,” The Flash then quips, to which his teammate ultimately declares, “F–k you, Barry.”

Ultimately, how exactly Gunn will blend the leftover elements of the DCEU with his new DC Studios canon – and whether or not he’ll successfully pull it off – remains to be seen.
To this end, the first entry in Gunn’s DC Studios slate, the animated Creature Commandos series, is currently on track to rise from the dead starting on December 5th.
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