After Chuck Wendig Was Fired, Making Star Wars Calls for Boycott

Making Star Wars has called for a boycott of Star Wars comics following novelist and comic book writer Chuck Wendig being fired by the company due to his behavior on social media.

Wendig called a number of Star Wars fans “grotesque monsters, you racists and rapists and wretched abusers, you vengeful petty horrors.” He would also describe them as white supremacists.

Despite this sickening behavior, Making Star Wars called for a boycott against Star Wars comics to protest Marvel’s firing of Wendig.

Making Star Wars wouldn’t be the only one to call for a boycott.

Most people seemed to be against the idea of a boycott.

A number of people even began mocking Making Star Wars.

What do you think about Making Star Wars’ call for a boycott against Star Wars? Do you think they will stop covering Star Wars comics as well?

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