Can you Find All the Changes in this Wonder Woman Photo?

Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman is about to do battle with her greatest threat yet in her brother, Ares. However, it appears Catwoman is out to ensure the battle goes poorly for Diana Prince.
Catwoman doesn’t like that Diana is getting a little too close for comfort with her Batman.
Can you help Diana recover her gear so she can take the fight to Ares? If you don’t help her, it could mean her doom!
Wonder Woman needs your help finding the six differences in the the two images below. She needs your help or the world will fall to the constant war of Ares. We can’t let that happen!
Find all six differences and help Wonder Woman to ensure the world does not fall to the sway of Ares!
Can’t find them all? Don’t worry the World’s Greatest Detective, Batman, is here to help you out! He recovered all of Wonder Woman’s belongings. He would never let his fellow Justice Leaguer go unarmed against the might of the Greek god Ares.
Do you think you can match Batman’s detective skills? Test your wits against the World’s Greatest Detective by helping Julie Newmar’s Catwoman recover all of her belongings: Can You Find All the Changes in this Classic Julie Newmar Catwoman Photo?
Share with your friends and family and see if they too can help Wonder Woman recover her stolen belongings before she falls victim to the might of Ares!
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