Comic Book Professionals Throw Support Behind Chuck Wendig After Marvel Fired Him

Star Wars novelist and Marvel Comic book writer Chuck Wendig was fired from the company on Friday after repeated attacks against Disney, Marvel and Star Wars fans and consumers.

While Wendig would try to paint himself as a victim, he repeatedly attacked fans calling them all sorts of nasty names like “callous f***necks,” “prolapsed assholes,” “grotestque monsters,” “racists,” “rapists,” “wretched abusers,” and “petty horrors.” He would even call for violence against Trump supporters stating, “They can eat a boot covered in shit.”

Comic book professionals including his former Marvel colleagues have thrown their support behind Wendig and disagree with Marvel’s decision to fire the man who threatened violence on the people who purchase their products as well.

Mark Russell

What do you make of these professionals who have supported Chuck Wendig?

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