Grand Rapids Comic-Con Reinvites Mike S. Miller After He Makes Public Apology

Grand Rapids Comic-Con has reinvited artist Mike S. Miller after he issued a public apology via Twitter.
Grand Rapids Comic-Con had previously kicked out Miller because they believed he had made “xenophobic comments.” The decision to remove Miller received praise from Marvel Artist Mike Deodato, who had previously issued a pledge to never attend a convention where a Comicsgate member has been invited.
Miller would apologize, writing, “I’d like to issue a public apology to anyone who was personally offended by anything I’ve said, regardless of context. I never meant to disparage any race of gender.”
After long consideration about how some of my words may have been viewed by people who don’t know my true self, I’d like to issue a public apology to anyone who was personally offended by anything I’ve said, regardless of context. I never meant to disparage any race or gender. <3
— Mike S. Miller (@AbacusMike) September 20, 2018
Just before the apology, Grand Rapids Comic-Con would extend their thanks to Miller and his friends.
We would like to take a minute to thank Mike S. Miller and his friends on his podcast for the kind words and positive social discourse in regards to our Court Of Nerds response we posted last night. We…
— GR Comic Con (@grcomiccon) September 20, 2018
After Mike’s apology they would follow that up by re-extending their invitation for Miller to attend the upcoming convention.
@AbacusMike Hi Mike, thank you for the apology, we greatly appreciate and accept it as genuine. As a company, we believe in positive social discourse and open dialog, and we are very happy to see this. Re-extending invitation to attend. We would be very game for that… 🙂
— GR Comic Con (@grcomiccon) September 20, 2018
Mike and Grand Rapids Comic-Con would go back and forth discussing when Miller might return to the convention.
Hey Mark,
I appreciate the response. I’m not 100% sure I can do the show now, but I will check and let you know ASAP. I hope this didn’t cause you too much trauma, I know some of my fans were quite upset about the whole thing… We’ll talk soon, God bless!— Mike S. Miller (@AbacusMike) September 20, 2018
2019 perhaps?
— GR Comic Con (@grcomiccon) September 20, 2018
Hit me up in January or Feb, that’s when I usually start planning my year. Thanks again, brother!
— Mike S. Miller (@AbacusMike) September 20, 2018
Feel free to write me as well, but we’ll consider it done. Let’s hope that we can bury this issue once and for all. Thanks! 🙂
— GR Comic Con (@grcomiccon) September 20, 2018
You got it, I heard your podcast and didn’t know you were a brother in Christ, I should have handled this offline, I do apologize for that as well.
— Mike S. Miller (@AbacusMike) September 20, 2018
I have no problem with that 🙂
— GR Comic Con (@grcomiccon) September 20, 2018
Mike S. Miller issued a statement to us regarding the whole situation:
“I’m happy that Mark Hodges took the time to watch my livestream last night, and came away with an open heart and mind toward how I felt about the whole situation. My apology was for those who misunderstood my intentions with my comments. I am not a guy who cares about race. I’m a minority myself, but never use it to any advantage. I judge others on their actions, not their intent or even their background. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, as I did with Frank Cho earlier this week after he defamed the
#comicsgate crowd out of what I believe to be ignorance. People shouldn’t jump to conclusions without finding out what a person really knows, or what they really think or feel. I try to live my life by that rule, but as with everything, I’m not perfect at it.”
This looks to be a good solution to what had been turning out to be a very ugly situation. I’m glad that Grand Rapids Comic-Con and Mike S. Miller could work together to come to a solution and once again work together to make the comic book industry a welcoming place for all fans!
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